FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (2025)

These files were released and obtained by the FBI, all in relation to the Paranormal.

Many of the files are broken into different parts, for easier downloading. Simply click on the “File #1” links to download each file segment.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (1)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (2)Adamski, George– [286 Pages, 193.5MB] – George Adamski (17 April 1891 – 23 April 1965) was a Polish American citizen who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he claimed to have photographed spaceships from other planets, met with friendly Nordic alien Space Brothers, and to have taken flights with them to the Moon and other planets. He was the first, and most famous, of the so-called contactees of the 1950s. Adamski called himself a “philosopher, teacher, student and saucer researcher”, although most investigators concluded his claims were an elaborate hoax, and that Adamski himself was a con artist. Adamski authored three books describing his meetings with Nordic aliens and his travels with them aboard their spaceships: Flying Saucers Have Landed (co-written with Desmond Leslie) in 1953, Inside the Space Ships in 1955, and Flying Saucers Farewell in 1961. The first two books were both bestsellers; by 1960 they had sold a combined 200,000 copies.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (3)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (4)The Aetherius Society – [48 Pages, 44MB] – The Aetherius Society is a new religious movement founded by George King in the mid-1950s as the result of what King claimed were contacts with extraterrestrial intelligences, to whom he referred as “Cosmic Masters”. The main goal of the believer is to cooperate with these Cosmic Masters to help humanity solve its current Earthly problems and advance into the New Age.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (5)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (6)Aho, Wayne– [114 Pages, 80MB] –Wayne Sulo Aho (24 August 1916 – 16 January 2006) was an American contactee who claimed contact with extraterrestrial beings. He was one of the more obscure members of the 1950s wave of contactees who followed George Adamski.Aho and fellow 1957 contactee Reinhold O. Schmidt went on the lecture circuit together in California, and their double-header lectures continued until Schmidt was arrested for and convicted of grand theft. Aho’s presentations tended to emphasize his military service in World War II, and spent very little time on “spiritual revelations” he had received from the Space Brothers, either directly or through later sessions with a spirit medium. Aho tended to refer to himself as “Major W. S. Aho,” inviting confusion with Major Donald E. Keyhoe, a UFO researcher and writer who thought UFOs were real, but held contactees in low regard. Aho soon fell under the spell of another one-time Adamski follower, Otis T. Carr. Carr claimed to have built a full-size flying saucer operating on authentic Adamskian or Teslarian “magnetic” principles, and after a suitable amount of money had been collected from gullible elderly attendees at the lectures of Aho and Carr, they announced the Carr saucer, piloted by Carr and Aho, would take off from a fairground in front of thousands of witnesses and fly to the moon, returning with incontrovertible proof of the trip. Criminal charges against both Aho and Carr resulted from the inevitable public fiasco, but Aho was judged to be an innocent dupe.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (7)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (8)Angelucci, Orfeo– [2Pages, 1MB] – Records Destroyed in 2009 – Orfeo Matthew Angelucci (Orville Angelucci) (June 25, 1912 – July 24, 1993) was one of the most unusual of the mid-1950s so-called “contactees” who claimed to be in contact with extraterrestrials.Beginning in summer 1952, according to Angelucci in his book The Secret of the Saucers (1955), he began to encounter flying saucers and their friendly human-appearing pilots during his drives home from the aircraft plant. These superhuman space people were handsome, often transparent and highly spiritual. Eventually Angelucci was taken in an unmanned saucer to earth orbit, where he saw a giant “mother ship” drift past a porthole. He also described having experienced a “missing time” episode and eventually remembered living for a week in the body of “space brother” Neptune, in a more evolved society on “the largest asteroid”, the remains of a destroyed planet, while his usual body wandered around the aircraft plant in a daze. In his later book, The Son of the Sun, Angelucci related an account that he claimed had been told to him by a medical doctor calling himself Adam, whose experiences were similar to his own. He also published several pamphlets on space-brotherly themes, such as “Million Year Prophecy” (1959), “Concrete Evidence” (1959) and “Again We Exist” (1960).FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (9)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (10) – This is a direct link to FBI files related to animal and cattle mutilations.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (11)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (12)Ballard, Edna – [769 Pages, 50MB] – Edna Anne Wheeler Ballard, also known as Lotus Ray King (June 25, 1886 – February 10, 1971), was an American occultist who co-founded the Saint Germain Foundation and served a co-leader of the I AM Movement with her husband, Guy Ballard. In 1944, Ballard and her son, Donald Ballard, were charged with mail fraud and their court case would eventually be ruled by the US Supreme Court as United States v. Ballard. Ballard’s work with the I AM Movement is considered a predecessor to the current new age movement.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (13)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (14)Ballard, Guy – Release #1 – [768 Pages, 400MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (15)Ballard, Guy – Release #2 – [251 Pages, 9MB] – Guy Warren Ballard (July 28, 1878 – December 29, 1939) was an American mining engineer who became, with his wife, Edna Anne Wheeler Ballard, the founder of the “I AM” Activity. Ballard was born in Newton, Kansas and married his wife in Chicago in 1916. Ballard served in the U.S. Army in World War I, and then became a mining engineer. Both Edna and Guy studied Theosophy and the occult extensively.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (16)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (17)Bell, Art (Arthur) – [77 Pages, 4MB] – Arthur William Bell III (June 17, 1945 – April 13, 2018) was an American broadcaster and author. He was the founder and the original host of the paranormal-themed radio program Coast to Coast AM, which is syndicated on hundreds of radio stations in the United States and Canada. He also created and hosted its companion show Dreamland. Coast to Coast still airs nightly.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (18)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (19)Bethurum, Truman– [17 Pages, 10MB] – Truman Bethurum (August 21, 1898 – May 21, 1969) was one of the well known 1950s UFO or alien “contactees”- individuals who claimed to have spoken with people from other inhabited planets and entered or ridden in their spacecraft. Bethurum was born in Gavilin, California, and in the early 1950s worked as a truck driver and a mechanic on a desert road-building crew. He later became a self-proclaimed spiritual advisor. In 1953, Bethurum first published magazine and newspaper (Redondo Beach Daily Breeze, September 25, 1953) accounts of being contacted on eleven separate occasions beginning in July, 1952 by the humanoid crew of a landed space ship in the Mojave Desert, and repeatedly conversing with its beautiful and voluptuous female captain, Aura Rhanes. The saucer and its crew, who spoke colloquial English, came from the unknown planet Clarion, which was allegedly on the other side of our Sun and thus could not be seen from the Earth. Bethurum’s 1954 book, Aboard a Flying Saucer, gave many details of his suffering at the hands of skeptics and a great deal of information about Captain Rhanes, Clarion and its people.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (20)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (21) The Borderland Sciences Research Associates aka Borderland Sciences Research Foundation– [35 Pages, 22.3MB] – According to their website, which is still around today: “Borderland Sciences Research Foundation is a California non-profit (C0254263) research and education organization, founded in 1951 by Meade Layne for the purpose of studying parapsychology and extended consciousness. It has since expanded in scope to traverse as broad a path of the grand terrain of the borderland as may be uncovered by human perceptions (and perhaps even further).”

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (22)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (23)Browne. Sylvia– [ 52Pages, 32MB]This FBI File consists of the investigation into Browne for embezzlement and bank fraud. It was determined that Brown falsified financial records to obtain more than $1,000,000 in loans, and according to the FBI, lived an “extravagent lifestyle.”

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FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (24)FBI file #29A-SF-9888– [ 139 Pages, 116.8MB] – While reading the above file, I noticed a reference to FBI File #29A-SF-9888 which is the investigation involving Sylvia Browne and her loan partner. This is the first (of multiple) releases of the declassified files.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (25)FBI file #29A-SF-9888– Release #2 – [102 Pages, 68.6MB] – Here is the second release of the above FBI file.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (26)FBI file #29A-SF-9888– Release #3– [10 Pages, 1.8MB] – Here is the thirdrelease of the above FBI file.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (28)Bushman, Boyd– (FOIA Response Letter) [ 37Pages, 19.9MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (29)Bushman, BoydFBI Release #2[ 14Pages, 2.2MB]

In 2014, a video surfaced with Boyd Bushman, a retired Lockheed Martin Senior Scientist, with alleged photos of aliens. The video had a description that stated, “Shortly before Boyd Bushman passed away on August 7, 2014, he was video recorded candidly speaking about his personal experiences with Area 51, UFOs, aliens and anti-gravity ideas. Boyd was a retired Senior Scientist for Lockheed Martin. His career spanned over forty years, was awarded many patents, and included work with defense contractors Hughes Aircraft, General Dynamics, Texas Instruments, and Lockheed Martin.”

Although the video is highly disputed, and the “alien” appears to be an exact prop that can be purchased at Walmart, I went after the FBI file of Mr. Bushman. This is what I found.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (30)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (31)Carr, Otis T.– [64 Pages, 5.3MB] – Otis T. Carr (December 7, 1904 – September 20, 1982) first emerged into the 1950s flying saucer scene in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1955 when he founded OTC Enterprises, a company that was supposed to advance and apply technology originally suggested by Nikola Tesla. Carr patented a flying saucer, and asserted he was working on a full-size version that could fly to the Moon and return in less than a day, using two counter-rotating metal plates, spinning electromagnets and large capacitors, which when spinning charged and powered by a battery, which became “activated by the energy of space.” Carr’s scheme resembles slightly earlier proposals by John R. R. Searl and Thomas Townsend Brown. Carr also claimed to have invented “The Gravity Electric Generator”, “The Utron Electric battery”, “The Carrotto Gravity Motor”, and “The Photon Gun”.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (32)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (33)Condon, Edward Uhler[File #1(312MB)|File #2(0.1MB)|File #3(0.1MB)|File #4(177MB)]-[ 1,777Pages ] –Edward Uhler Condon (March 2, 1902 – March 26, 1974) was a distinguished American nuclear physicist, a pioneer in quantum mechanics, and a participant in the development of radar and nuclear weapons during World War II as part of the Manhattan Project. The Franck–Condon principle and the Slater–Condon rules are named after him. Condon became widely known in 1968 as principal author of the Condon Report, an official review funded by the United States Air Force that concluded that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have prosaic explanations. The lunar crater Condon is named for him. Please note:The FBI stated there MAY be additional records pertaining to Condon. I requested the remaining material, and if any exists, will post it when available. Press the “subscribe” button for this page to be notified when it’s updated.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (34)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (35)Cooper, Milton William “Bill”FBI Release #1[333Pages, 164MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (36)Cooper, Milton William “Bill”FBI Release #2[21 Pages, 13.4MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (37) Cooper, Milton William “Bill” FBI Release #3 – Night Vision Goggle Investigation [101 Pages, 13.4MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (38)Cooper, Milton William “Bill” FBI Release #4 – Despite being a different release from the above, it appears to be duplicate to “Release #3”, but it is archived here for reference 0 [101 Pages, 13.5MB] – Milton William “Bill” Cooper (May 6, 1943 – November 6, 2001) was an American conspiracy theorist, radio broadcaster, and author best known for his 1991 book Behold a Pale Horse, in which he warned of multiple global conspiracies, some involving extraterrestrial aliens. Cooper also described HIV/AIDS as a man-made disease used to target blacks, Hispanics, and homosexuals, and that a cure was made before it was implemented. He has been described as a “militia theoretician”. As Cooper moved away from the UFOlogy community and toward the militia and anti-government subculture in the late 1990s, he became convinced that he was being personally targeted by President Bill Clinton and the Internal Revenue Service. In July 1998 he was charged with tax evasion; an arrest warrant was issued, but Cooper eluded repeated attempts to serve it. In 2000, he was named a “major fugitive” by the United States Marshals Service. On November 5, 2001, Apache County sheriff’s deputies attempted to arrest Cooper at his Eagar, Arizona home on charges of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and endangerment stemming from disputes with local residents. After an exchange of gunfire during which Cooper shot one of the deputies in the head, Cooper was fatally shot. Federal authorities reported that Cooper had spent years evading execution of the 1998 arrest warrant, and according to a spokesman for the Marshals Service, he vowed that “he would not be taken alive”.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (39)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (40) Edwards, Frank– FBI Release #1 – [21 Pages, 4MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (41) Edwards, Frank– NARA Release #1 – [21 Pages, 23.7MB] – Sadly, the electronic files sent to me from NARA are fairly low resolution, which may cause some issues with reading. I am trying to get more readable copies… but until then… these are the only available.Frank Allyn Edwards (August 4, 1908 – June 23, 1967) was an American writer and broadcaster, and one of the pioneers in radio. He hosted a radio show broadcast across the United States in the 1940s and 1950s. Late in his life, he became additionally well known for a series of popular books about UFOs and other paranormal phenomena.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (42)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (43) Extra-Sensory Perception – [40 Pages, 10MB] – ESP is considered a perception of information about events beyond what may be discerned through the five physical senses or deduced from past experience or knowledge. This release consists of cross references to ESP found in FBI files from 1957 to 1960. Several of the documents concern William Foos, a proponent of ESP. Others concern claims that ESP could be used in espionage investigations. The FBI found no scientific support for this or other claims and did not pursue the matters raised in these references.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (44)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (45)Finders Cult – FBI Release #1 – [373 Pages, 196MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (46)Finders Cult – FBI Release #2 – [280 Pages, 120MB] – A bizarre and rarely heard about cult that allegedly deals with white slave traffic, sexual exploitation of children, and satanic rituals. It also found its way into many “Pizzagate” conspiracy theories. Not much is known, but here is a pile of hundreds of documents released on the “cult.”FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (47)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (48)Fortean Society– [169Pages, 152.5MB] –The Fortean Society was started in the United States in 1931 during a meeting held in the New York flat of Charles Hoy Fort in order to promote the ideas of American writer Charles Fort. The Fortean Society was primarily based in New York City. Its first president was Theodore Dreiser, an old friend of Charles Fort, who had helped to get his work published. Founding members of The Fortean Society included Tiffany Thayer (see file below), Booth Tarkington, Ben Hecht, Alexander Woollcott (and many of NYC’s literati such as Dorothy Parker), and Baltimore writer H. L. Mencken. Other members included Vincent Gaddis, Ivan T. Sanderson, A. Merritt, Frank Lloyd Wright and Buckminster Fuller. The first 6 issues of the Fortean Society’s newsletter “Doubt” were each edited by a different member, starting with Theodore Dreiser. Tiffany Thayer thereafter took over editorship of subsequent issues. Thayer began to assert extreme control over the society, largely filling the newsletter with articles written by himself, and excommunicating the entire San Francisco chapter, reportedly their most active, after disagreements over the society’s direction, and forbidding them to use the name Fortean. During World War II, for example, Thayer used every issue of “Doubt” to espouse his politics. Particularly, he frequently expressed opposition to Civil Defense, going to such lengths as encouraging readers to turn on their lights in defiance to air raid sirens. In contrast to the spirit of Charles Fort, he not only dismissed flying saucers as nonsense, but also dismissed the atomic bomb as a hoax.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (49)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (50)Friedman, Stanton – FBI Release #1 – [63 Pages, 34.3MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (51)Friedman, Stanton – FBI Release #2 – [9 Pages, 1MB] – Stanton Terry Friedman (July 29, 1934 – May 13, 2019) was a nuclear physicist and professional ufologist who resided in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He was an early civilian investigator of the Roswell UFO incident. He worked on research and development projects for several large companies.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (52)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (53)Friend, Robert– [4 Pages, 2.5MB] – Lieutenant Colonel Robert Jones Friend (1920–2019) was a Tuskegee airman in WW2 and led the USAF’s Project Blue Book from 1958 to 1963. He also served during the Korean War and the Vietnam War. He had a 28 year military career. Note: All files on Friend were either lost or destroyed.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (54)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (55)The Galileo Project – [9 Pages, 8MB] – The Galileo Project at Harvard University represents a pioneering scientific initiative aimed at systematically studying unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and interstellar objects visiting our solar system. Launched in July 2021 by Harvard astronomer Avi Loeb, the project is named after the renowned astronomer Galileo Galilei and seeks to bring the rigor of empirical science to understanding these mysterious phenomena. Utilizing a network of telescopes, cameras, and computer algorithms, the project intends to capture high-resolution images and data of UAPs to analyze their properties and origins scientifically. Distinct from speculative theories or anecdotal reports, the Galileo Project aspires to answer questions about these phenomena through a transparent and verifiable scientific process, contributing potentially groundbreaking insights into astrophysics and extraterrestrial technologies.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (57)Heaven’s Gate Cult– [382Pages, 283MB] Heaven’s Gate was an American UFO religious Millenarian group based in San Diego, California, founded in the early 1970s and led by Marshall Applewhite (1931–1997) and Bonnie Nettles (1927–1985). On March 26, 1997, police discovered the bodies of 39 members of the group who had committed mass suicide in order to reach what they believed was an alien space craft following Comet Hale–Bopp.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (58)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (59) Hottel, Guy – [2 Pages] Guy Hottel was a special agent in charge of the FBI’s Washington Field Office. The information concerning Mr. Hottel is in regard to a March 22, 1950 memo he sent to the FBI Director concerning flying saucers. This has been one of the FBI’s most downloaded document from their website, once they finally added it to the archive.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (60)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (61)Hynek, J. Allen – [24 Pages, 1.42MB] – Dr. Josef Allen Hynek (May 1, 1910 – April 27, 1986) was a United States astronomer, professor, and ufologist. He is perhaps best remembered for his UFO research. Hynek acted as scientific adviser to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force under three consecutive names: Projects Sign, Grudge and Blue Book. For decades afterwards, he conducted his own independent UFO research, developing the Close Encounter classification system, and is widely considered the father of the concept of scientific analysis of both reports and, especially, trace evidence purportedly left by UFOs.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (62)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (63)Keyhoe, Donald – [13 Pages, 6MB] – Donald Edward Keyhoe (June 20, 1897 – November 29, 1988) was an American Marine Corps naval aviator, writer of many aviation articles and stories in a variety of leading publications, and manager of the promotional tours of aviation pioneers, especially of Charles Lindbergh. In the 1950s he became well known as a UFO researcher, arguing that the U.S. government should conduct research in UFO matters, and should release all its UFO files. Jerome Clark writes that “Keyhoe was widely regarded as the leader in the field” of ufology in the 1950s and early to mid-1960s.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (64)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (65)Klass, Phil(FBI Release)– [187Pages, 99.7MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (66)Klass, Phil(FBI Release #2 October, 2015)– [10 Pages,0.9MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (67)Klass, Phil(NCIS Release)– [14 Pages, 1MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (68)Klass, Phil(AFOSIRelease)– [14 Pages, 1MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (69)Klass, Phil(CIARelease by way of FBI)– [5 Pages, 0.8MB]Philip Julian Klass (November 8, 1919 – August 9, 2005) was an American engineer, journalist, and UFO researcher, known for his skepticism regarding UFOs. In the ufological and skeptical communities, Klass tends to inspire strongly polarized appraisals. He has been called the “Sherlock Holmes of UFOlogy”. Klass demonstrated “the crusader’s zeal for what seems ‘right,’ regardless of whether it brings popular acclaim,” a trait he claimed his father instilled in him. “I’ve found,” said Klass, “that roughly 97, 98 percent of the people who report seeing UFOs are fundamentally intelligent, honest people who have seen something – usually at night, in darkness – that is unfamiliar, that they cannot explain.” The rest, he said, were frauds.With his work as Editor of Aviation Week magazine, Klass found himself in the middle of an investigation for publishing classified information. As chronicled in Wikipedia:

For ten years, Klass worked for General Electric as an engineer in aviation electronics. Dissatisfied with his job, in 1952 he moved to Washington, DC, and joined Aviation Week, which later became Aviation Week & Space Technology.[7] He was a senior editor of Aviation Week & Space Technology for thirty-four years. Always striving to stay on the cutting edge, Klass published an “Exclusive Report on Counter Measures” in the November 18th and 25th, 1957, editions of Aviation Week. This report was referred to the FBI for the “unauthorized disclosure of information classified ‘Secret'”. An investigation into the disclosure was dropped when the US Air Force told the FBI that the disclosed information could not be declassified for purposes of prosecution.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (70)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (71)Kurtz, Paul – [7 Pages, 0.6MB] – Paul Kurtz (December 21, 1925 – October 20, 2012) was a prominent American scientific skeptic and secular humanist. He has been called “the father of secular humanism”. He was Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the State University of New York at Buffalo, having previously also taught at Vassar, Trinity, and Union colleges, and the New School for Social Research. Kurtz founded the publishing house Prometheus Books in 1969. He was also the founder and past chairman of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI, formerly the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal, CSICOP), the Council for Secular Humanism, and the Center for Inquiry. He was editor in chief of Free Inquiry magazine, a publication of the Council for Secular Humanism. Kurtz published over 800 articles or reviews and authored and edited over 50 books. Many of his books have been translated into over 60 languages.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (72)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (73) LaPaz, Dr. Lincoln – [ FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (74)File #1| FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (75)File #2] [ FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (76)NSA Request Response for Records ] [ FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (77)FBI Release – May 19, 2017] – Lincoln LaPaz was an American astronomer from the University of New Mexico and a pioneer in the study of meteors. In ufology, LaPaz’s name is often associated with UFO investigations on behalf of the military during the late 1940s and early 1950s. These include the so-called Roswell UFO incident of 1947, the N.M. green fireballs, that began in late 1948 and continued through the 1950s, and the search for near-Earth orbiting satellites in 1954 along with fellow N.M. astronomer Clyde Tombaugh. However, only LaPaz’s association with the green fireball investigations for the Air Force is thoroughly documented and an undeniable historical fact.

(Note: Additional pages of material on Dr. Lincoln LaPaz werereleased by the FBI, and a DESTROYED file number was referenced that may have contained additional pages on the man – but no one will ever know what those pages contained.)

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (78)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (79)Long John Nebel aka John Zimmerman–[8Pages, 1.9MB] –Long John Nebel (born John Zimmerman; June 11, 1911 – April 10, 1978) was an influential New York City talk radio show host. From the mid-1950s until his death in 1978, Nebel was a hugely popular all-night radio host, with millions of regular listeners and what Donald Bain described as “a fanatically loyal following” to his syndicated program, which dealt mainly with anomalous phenomena, UFOs, and other offbeat topics.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (80)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (81)Mack, Dr. John E.– FBI Release #1–[49 Pages, 12.9MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (82)Mack, Dr. John E.[4 Pages, 0.8MB] – I went after additional records other than the above release, and they said the potential records pertaining to Dr. Mack were destroyed on June 18, 2014.John Edward Mack M.D. (October 4, 1929 – September 27, 2004) was an American psychiatrist, parapsychologist, writer, and professor at Harvard Medical School. He was a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, a leading researcher and writer on alien abduction experiences, and a campaigner for the elimination of nuclear weapons.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (83)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (84)McDonald, Dr. James E.–[113Pages, 64.81MB] –James Edward McDonald (May 7, 1920 – June 13, 1971) was an American physicist. He is best known for his research regarding UFOs. McDonald was senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology, University of Arizona, Tucson.McDonald campaigned in support of expanding UFO studies during the mid and late 1960s, arguing that UFOs represented an important unsolved mystery which had not been adequately studied by science. He was one of the more prominent figures of his time who argued in favor of the extraterrestrial hypothesis as a plausible, but not completely proved, model of UFO phenomena. McDonald interviewed over 500 UFO witnesses, uncovered many important government UFO documents, and gave important presentations of UFO evidence. He testified before Congress during the UFO hearings of 1968. McDonald also gave a famous talk called “Science in Default” to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). It was a summary of the current UFO evidence and a critique of the 1969 Condon Report UFO study.

See Also:Hemogeneous Nucleation of Vapor Condensation, 1962, Dr. James McDonald Reports

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (85)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (86)Merchant, Madeline Gwynn– FBI Release #1 – [14 Pages, 1.4MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (87)Merchant, Madeline Gwynn– FBI Release #2 – [14 Pages, 1.1MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (88)Merchant, Madeline Gwynn – NARA Release #1 – [16 Pages, 1.1MB] – Madeline Gwynne Merchant was a resident from New Mexico who wrote numerous letters regarding UFOs and her theories to multiple agencies. The FBI did have a file on her… and what is interesting to note that in one memo to the Director of the FBI (written in 1949), it states, “This matter is considered top secret by Intelligence Officers of both the Army and the Air Forces.”FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (89)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (90) National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena – [ File #1 | File #2 | File #3 ] The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) The National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, NICAP, was founded in the 1950s to research reports of UFO phenomenon. Between 1957 and 1969, NICAP and its members periodically communicated with the FBI. This release consists of this correspondence.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (91)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (92) Newton, Silas – [78 Pages, 2.5MB] Silas Newton (1887-1972) was a wealthy oil producer and con-man who claimed that he had a gadget that could detect minerals and oil. He was cited as an authority in Frank Scully’s book Behind the Flying Saucers, a work that claimed to report on several UFO crashes in the area of New Mexico. In 1950, Newton said that a flying saucer crashed on land he leased in the Mojave Desert; however, he revised his claim in 1952, saying he never saw a flying saucer but had only repeated comments he heard from others. These files detail the FBI’s investigations into Newton’s fraudulent activities between 1951 and 1970.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (93)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (94)Page, Dr. Thornton Leigh–[4 Pages, 1.2MB] –Thornton Leigh Page was an American professor of astronomy at the University of Chicago and at Wesleyan University. He became embroiled in the controversy over unidentified flying objects (UFOs) after serving briefly on the Robertson Panel, a Central Intelligence Agency–sponsored committee of scientists assembled in Washington, D.C. from 14–18 January 1953 to study the available evidence on UFOs.

According to the FBI, records relating to Dr. Page were destroyed.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (95)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (96)Palmer, Raymond – FBI Release – [35 Pages, 29.5MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (97)Palmer, Raymond – NARA Release (FOIA Case 57555) – [33 Pages, 1.5MB] – Raymond Arthur Palmer (August 1, 1910 – August 15, 1977) was an American editor of Amazing Stories from 1938 through 1949, when he left publisher Ziff-Davis to publish and edit Fate Magazine, and eventually many other magazines and books through his own publishing houses, including Amherst Press and Palmer Publications. In addition to magazines such as Mystic, Search, and ‘Flying Saucers,” he published numerous spirtualist books, including Oahspe: A New Bible, as well as several books related to flying saucers, including “The Coming of the Saucers,” co-written by Palmer with Kenneth Arnold. Palmer was also a prolific author of science fiction and fantasy stories, many of which were published under pseudonyms. (Note: I have requested the files possibly at the National Archives, as noted in the FBI’s letter. I will post those when/if they are released.)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (98)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (99) Project Blue Book – [ File #1 ] – Project Blue Book Originally Project Blue Book was the Air Force name for a project that investigated UFO reports between 1947 and 1969. In 1989, an organization calling itself “The New Project Blue Book” contacted the FBI. This file consists of correspondence concerning this organization.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (100)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (101)PSI TECH [4 Pages, 2MB] – PSI TECH was founded in 1989 by a 4 star General and an DIA intelligence officer who ushered a top secret information collection technology currently known as TRV (Technical Remote Viewing) out of the Pentagon and into the private sector. Our first client was the Defense Department, gathering intelligence for the Gulf War. The original data acquisition protocols were developed by researchers at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) under Pentagon contract and deployed by a special Intelligence unit stationed at Fort Meade. At one time most of these officers in the military unit worked for PSI TECH as employees or contractors. Fast forward to present time – PSI TECH now operates a research and consulting firm specializing in intelligence collection for individual, corporate, and government clients who are looking to solve problems outside of what conventional information can provide. We spent over a decade refining the protocols for the financial markets and focusing on how to determine optimum outcomes of event based targets. PSI TECH employs skilled analysts who corroborate the data and compile it into actionable strategies for a variety of client problem solving and information needs.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (102)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (103) Roswell – On July 8, 1947, the FBI Dallas Field Office sent a teletype regarding a “flying disc” that resembled a high altitude weather balloon found near Roswell, New Mexico.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (104)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (105)Schmidt, Reinhold – [4 Pages, 1MB] – Reinhold Schmidt (1897–1974) was a 1957 UFO “contactee” in an era that began with George Adamski in 1953. He was born and grew up in Nebraska, where he worked for most of his adult life as a reputable grain buyer and dealer. He became a contactee after telling of his experience on November 5, 1957 detailed in his book Edge of Tomorrow, when while driving through a rural area near Kearney, Nebraska, he noticed a large, cigar-shaped object resting in a field. He was soon escorted inside the space ship, which turned out to be crewed by completely human-looking space aliens, four male and two female, who apparently spoke perfect German and claimed to be from the planet Saturn. “The Saturnians” also claimed to be interested in the recently launched Russian sputniks, and the satellite-launching plans of the US.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (106)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (107)Stringfield, Leonard– [23 Pages, 12MB] – Leonard Stringfield (1920–1994) was an American ufologist who took particular interest in crashed flying saucer stories. He died in 1994. Stringfield was director of Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO), and published a monthly newsletter, ORBIT. In 1957 he became public relations adviser for the civilian UFO group, National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), under the direction of Donald Keyhoe, a friend since 1953. From 1967 to 1969, Stringfield served as an “Early Warning Coordinator” for the Condon Committee. During the 1970s, he wrote a number of books about alleged recoveries of alien spaceships and alien bodies.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (108)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (109)Spontaneous Human Combustion – [114 Pages, 66.3MB] – Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is a term encompassing reported cases of the combustion of a living (or very recently deceased) human body without an apparent external source of ignition. In addition to reported cases, examples of SHC appear in literature, and both types have been observed to share common characteristics regarding circumstances and remains of the victim.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (110)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (111)Thayer, Tiffany Ellsworth – [166 Pages, 152.5MB] – Tiffany Ellsworth Thayer (March 1, 1902 – August 23, 1959) was an American actor, author and founder of the Fortean Society.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (112)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (113) UFO Document FBI Collection [1,600 Pages] – Unexplained Flying Objects (UFOs) In 1947, a rash of sightings of unexplained flying objects (UFOs) swept America. Although the newly formed U.S. Air Force was the primary investigator of these sightings, the FBI received many reports and worked for a time with the Air Force to investigate these matters. This release details the FBI’s role in investigating such reports between 1947 and 1954.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (114)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (115)Williamson, George Hunt – [706 Pages, 60MB] – George Hunt Williamson (December 9, 1926 – January 1986), aka Michael d’Obrenovic and Brother Philip, was an American flying saucer contactee, channel, and metaphysical author who came to prominence in the 1950s.

The following FBI files were requested, which are the alleged members of MJ-12 and even the FBI’s file on MJ-12 itself.

Although some of these files may have nothing to do with UFOs or MJ-12, these are the alleged members and are archived here.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (116)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (117) Majestic 12– In 1988, two FBI offices received similar versions of a memo titled “Operation Majestic-12…” claiming to be highly classified government document. The memo appeared to be a briefing for newly-elected President Eisenhower on a secret committee created to exploit a recovery of an extra-terrestrial aircraft and cover-up this work from public examination. An Air Force investigation determined the document to be a fake.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (118)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (119)Berkner, Lloyd–[ 135Pages, 10.43MB ]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (120)Berkner, Lloyd, Release #2–[ 12Pages, 2.4MB ]–Lloyd Viel Berkner (February 1, 1905, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin – June 4, 1967, in Washington, D.C.) was an American physicist and engineer. He was one of the inventors of the measuring device that since has become standard at ionospheric stations because it measures the height and electron density of the ionosphere. The data obtained in the worldwide net of such instruments were important for the developing theory of short wave radio propagation to which Berkner himself gave important contributions.Additional information was found at the FBI, that originated at the CIA. The FBI forwarded these records to the CIA for review, and declassification, and the CIA information me that all material on Berkner is classified.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (121)Berkner, Lloyd CIA Documents Denial Letter–[ 2Pages, 0.5MB ]FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (122)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (123)Bronk, Detlev–[248 Pages,7.18 MB ] –Detlev Wulf Bronk (August 13, 1897 – November 17, 1975) was a prominent American scientist, educator, and administrator. He is credited with establishing biophysics as a recognized discipline. Bronk served as President of Johns Hopkins University from 1949 to 1953 and as President of the The Rockefeller University from 1953 to 1968. Bronk also held the presidency of the National Academy of Sciences between 1950 and 1962.Please note: According to the FBI, more pages exist on Bronk and are being sent to another government agency for release. Will post when available.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (124)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (125)Bush, Vannevar–[241Pages,78.1MB ] –Vannevar Bush (March 11, 1890 – June 28, 1974) was an American engineer, inventor and science administrator, whose most important contribution was as head of the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) during World War II, through which almost all wartime military R&D was carried out, including initiation and early administration of the Manhattan Project. He is also known in engineering for his work on analog computers, for founding Raytheon, and for the memex, an adjustable microfilm viewer with a structure analogous to that of the World Wide Web. Bush was also an alleged member of the Majestic-12 (MJ-12) group.Please note:As admitted by the FBI, an entire file on Bush was destroyed. According to the FBI:“One record (161-BS-1452) which may be responsive to your FOIA request was destroyed in April of 1998.”FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (126)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (127)Forrestal, James– [290Pages, 32.66MB] –James Vincent Forrestal (February 15, 1892 – May 22, 1949) was the last Cabinet-level United States Secretary of the Navy and the first United States Secretary of Defense. Forrestal was a supporter of naval battle groups centered on aircraft carriers. In 1954, the world’s first supercarrier was named USS Forrestal in his honor, as is the headquarters of the United States Department of Energy. He is also the namesake of the Forrestal Lecture Series at the United States Naval Academy, which brings prominent military and civilian leaders to speak to the Brigade of Midshipmen, and of the James Forrestal Campus of Princeton University in Plainsboro Township, New Jersey.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (128)Gray, Gordon– [FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (129)349Pages, 88.8MB]
FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (130)Gray, Gordon(State Department Release) – [3 Pages, 1.1MB]
Gordon Gray (May 30, 1909 – November 26, 1982) was an official in the government of the United States during the administrations of Harry Truman (1945–53) and Dwight Eisenhower (1953–61) associated with defense and national security.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (131)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (132)Hillenkoetter, Adm Roscoe Henry– [32Pages, 20.70MB ] –Roscoe Henry Hillenkoetter (May 8, 1897 – June 18, 1982) was the third director of the post-World War II United States Central Intelligence Group (CIG), the third Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), and the first director of the Central Intelligence Agency created by the National Security Act of 1947. He served as DCI and director of the CIG and the CIA from May 1, 1947 to October 7, 1950 and after his retirement from the United States Navy was a member of the board of governors of National Investigations Committee On Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) from 1957 to 1962.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (133)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (134)Hunsaker, Jerome [3 Pages, 0.9MB ] –Jerome Clarke Hunsaker (August 26, 1886 – September 10, 1984) was an American airman born in Creston, Iowa, and educated at the Naval Academy and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.According to the FBI, Hunsaker’s file was destroyed September 24, 2004FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (135)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (136)Menzel, Donald– [ 209 Pages, 24.10MB ] –Donald Howard Menzel (April 11, 1901 – December 14, 1976) was one of the first theoretical astronomers and astrophysicists in the US. He discovered the physical properties of the solar chromosphere, the chemistry of stars, the atmosphere of Mars, and the nature of gaseous nebulae.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (137)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (138)Montague, Robert M.– [ 2 Pages, 0.3MB ] –Robert Miller Montague (August 7, 1899 – February 20, 1958) was a Lieutenant General in the United States Army. He achieved prominence as the deputy commander of Fort Bliss, Texas and commander of the Sandia Missile Base in New Mexico during the start of modern ufology and head of the U.S. Caribbean Command. The FBI claims that they could not find a file on Montague.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (139)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (140)Souers, Sidney Adm.– [ 691Pages, 47.53MB ] –Sidney William Souers (March 30, 1892 – January 14, 1973) was an American admiral and intelligence expert. ear Admiral Souers was appointed as the first Director of Central Intelligence on January 23, 1946 by President Harry S. Truman. Prior to this, as Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence, Souers had been one of the architects of the system that came into being with the President’s directive. He had written the intelligence chapter of the Eberstadt Report, which advocated a unified intelligence system. Toward the end of 1945, when the competing plans for a national intelligence system were deadlocked, Souers’ views had come to the attention of the President, and he seems to have played a role in breaking the impasse.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (141)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (142)Twining, General Nathan – [23 Pages, 15.43MB] – Nathan Farragut Twining, (October 11, 1897 – March 29, 1982) was a United States Air Force General, born in Monroe, Wisconsin. He was Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force from 1953 until 1957. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1957 to 1960 he was the first member of the Air Force to serve in that role.FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (143)FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (144)Vandenberg, Hoyt– [ 98Pages, 6.12MB ] –Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg (January 24, 1899 – April 2, 1954) was a U.S. Air Force general, its second Chief of Staff, and second Director of Central Intelligence. During World War II, Vandenberg was the commanding general of the Ninth Air Force, a tactical air force in England and in France, supporting the Army, from August 1944 until V-E Day. Vandenberg Air Force Base on the central coast of California is named for General Vandenberg. In 1946, he was briefly the U.S. Chief of Military Intelligence. He was the nephew of Arthur H. Vandenberg, a former U.S. Senator from Michigan.

The following FBI Files were requested, but according to the FBI, they found no records.

FBI Files: The Paranormal Collection - The Black Vault (2025)


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